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Welcome to


A Fundraiser for the

LGBT+ community of

Independence, MO

Thad, Adam, & Dustin

Leona Noel

My name is Thad! That's me, Adam Lambert, and my husband Dustin when we got the opportunity to meet him at a concert.

(psst, that's me over there in the lavender too) 

Thadapalooza was inspired by Adam Lambert. I read that Adam turned his birthday celebration into a fundraiser! I thought, what a wonderful opportunity to make an impact for good! I decided that I was going to do just that! So, with the help of some amazing friends I've been able to have some pretty amazing birthdays! Thadapalooza was started to help the local LBGT+ community. Check out the HISTORY tab to find out more about the previous years events.

My single goal in life is to make such an impression of Good in this world that it can't be ignored! I believe that through Thadapalooza, I'm doing just that! I owe all the success of Thadapalooza to all the fabulous people that have helped, participated and supported it!  I'm still in awe to be so blessed and so supported! Thank you to everyone who has and continues to support Thadapalooza!  

© 2017 by Thadapalooza

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